8 mistakes you’re making on social media
A good first impression on Social Media is very crucial to your business, especially if you are just starting out. Missing that opportunity means you remain behind the competition and struggle to capture a good reputation, one that is not easy to repair if it's...
read moreSpring Clean Your Business in 5 Easy Steps
You walk into your office, you look around and think to yourself “why the hell are these stacks of papers still here”! Really, those magazines from last year that I didn’t even get a chance to read are still looking at me? Omg, my desktop shortcuts are drowning me!...
read moreGoogle Apps: 5 reasons why I love them and you should too
In today’s world, it’s all about immediate gratification; immediate access to everything. Gone are the days of waiting to be in front of your computer to get work done. Now we have our smart phone and our tablets, geez we even have our smart watches …...
read more5 ways to work Smarter not Harder
In order for us to dominate our time and not lose our productivity, we need to do our daily tasks more simplistically. In other words, we need to cut the bullshit and stop wasting our precious time! LOL We need to Keep It Simple Silly 😉 ...
read more“Eff this” and do “YOU” – Break time!
All work and no play is boring! We all need time to chillax during our work day. But do we listen to the signs when we need those breaks? NOPE! Often times we don’t and then we push ourselves into the danger zone of chaos and overwhelm. [bctt tweet="Take...
read moreFear -vs- Faith – How to flip the switch
How often are we overtaken by fear? Plenty of times right? But how do we flip the switch and not allow ourselves to live in fear? [bctt tweet="“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living in our fears” Les Brown" username="evacponce"]...
read moreHow to effectively schedule your day
As busy business owners our time is precious, right? So planning our day is very important. But here’s the problem, do we plan for emergencies or setbacks? [bctt tweet="“Plans are nothing; Planning is everything” ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower "...
read moreMy 5 favorite Tools & Systems to Automate your Life & Biz
The best way to make your life simplified is to get amazing tools & systems in place for both your biz & life. The less you have to worry about, the more time you have to run your business and live your awesome life. Wouldn't you agree? 🙂 So here we...
read moreAre you a people pleaser?
You get that phone call from a family member asking you to join them at this great event and in your mind you’re like “Oh my God, I don’t want to go. I just want to stay home in my jammies and binge watch TV”. Then you open your mouth and you say “Wow, sure I”ll be...
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