Biz, Technology, Organize, Spring Clean

You walk into your office, you look around and think to yourself “why the hell are these stacks of papers still here”!

Really, those magazines from last year that I didn’t even get a chance to read are still looking at me? Omg, my desktop shortcuts are drowning me! Where did I place those darn labels …

You have entered the dreaded “Overwhelm Zone” (insert the Twilight Zone theme song) lol

Have no fear, that’s why I am sharing these strategies with you, to remove the chaos and get your organized!


Out of clutter, find simplicity ~ Albert Einstein Click To Tweet

These are steps I honestly take every 3 months. Yes, I don’t wait until spring to actually clean, purge and rid of things in my office & home. The more you circulate energy in your space, the more you open up your creative and abundance zones in all areas of your life!


Here we go:


storage, organize

I suggest depending on your space, to bundle your supplies as you need them versus laying everything out on your desk, the floor, everywhere! BUT before we organize, we must purge and declutter.


So, grab 3 empty bins or boxes (any size) and use them for the following:

  • Love it Bin – (Keep)
  • Hate it Bin – (Toss)
  • Donate it Bin – (Pay it forward)

Go through all your supplies, books, materials, magazines, proposals – EVERYTHING and honestly ask yourself; Do I love it, Do I hate it or Can I donate it. Go with your gut and don’t second guess your answer. And remember the point here is to declutter and organize not hoard everything … lol (You need your creative juices and money channels open ya’ll – so don’t block them- haha!)


flash drive, back up, storage

In the technology world you live in everything is accessible BUT only if you properly organize your files and rid the ones that are no longer necessary.

  • Go through your PC files/folders and clean those documents and delete those you can including desktop shortcuts
  • Secure your cloud based platforms using double authenticity password methods like Keeper or Lastpass. This will eliminate the threat of hackers getting to you and your files!
  • Get a portable hard drive to backup your files in the event your computer crashes.
  • Invest in a good flash drive to store client files for easy access and avoid overcrowding your storage whether on your pc or cloud based


tech, gadgets, accessories

Now with live streaming taking over the world in so many great ways, you also need cool gadgets to keep up.

Here are a few of my favs

  • Selfie stick – great way to take pics and never miss a photo op
  • Phone & Tablet Tripods for Periscope & FB live stream
  • The Diva Ring light for amazing videos & live streams
  • Donate old gadgets that no longer fit into your business model


website, desktop

Consider giving your website a fresh look.

  • Review your pages and make sure your content is evergreen and relevant for your audience
  • Check your plug-ins and ensure they are update-to-date and valid for your business and deactivate those that are not.
  • Maybe it’s time for new headshots and brand make over. Go to pinterest for inspiration and revive your site
  • Make sure you have no broken links in your posts to avoid killing your SEO
  • If you haven’t done so, link your social networks on your site. Allow your audience the opportunity to find you everywhere!


social media, networking

These platforms are a great place to refresh your image and promote your business.

  • Update your bio and profile image. If you’re coaching now and your bio says Starbucks Barista, no bueno … lol
  • Check the content you posted and start deleting those that no longer apply, especially those people tagged you on
  • Make sure your brand colors are consistent on all platforms. Create new FB/Twitter covers to refresh your page.
  • Review your links for Calls to Action on your pages, so your prospective clients can easily find you. Take the relationship off of social media and bring them over to your site. Capture those leads and generate new business.


So in conclusion, out with old & in with the new shiny objects that add value to your biz!


Here’s to much success in your biz and abundance in all areas of your life!


If you like what I’m dishing and are interested in even more strategies to create time freedom in your day, please download my FREE The Female Entrepreneur’s Guide: To Liberate Your Life & Business“.


Eva, xo