Yes, the summer is here! Woo Hoo!
I love this short BUT glorious season!
But why are we still stressed and overwhelmed?
Our normal work/life schedules have changed up …
The kiddos are home for 2 months …
We need to tweak our day to accommodate them …
More demands for family time, BBQ’s, work deadlines are creeping in …
Yikes! This isn’t where the fun in the sun should be coming from!!!
The summer is all about taking a step back, slowing down, relaxing more and recharging our energy! Spending time with family and friends, eating delicious foods at BBQ’s. Simply having fun and making wonderful memories!
So here are some simple effective tips to keep you high vibe and enjoying your summer:
Tip #1: Have a plan
Especially as moms, we need to have structure for the kids and know when to pull away from our desks in order to enjoy the DAY and soak up some rays! Make a schedule of activities for the week, revamp your work schedule to include time for leisure and just go with flow should hiccups arise.
Tip #2: Drink More Water
Be extra kind to your mind, body and soul by making sure your well hydrated all summer long!
Tip #3: Go #Offline more
Plan moments to be #offline and off your devices! Focus on being in the present moment not behind your phone, laptop or tablets.
Tip #4: Carve time out for YOU
Make time for YOU to:
Grab lunch with a friend …
Relax at a spa day …
Go to your favorite Cafe and read a juicy summer novel …
Go to a matinee by yourself …
Bottom line, treat your SELF to moments of rejuvenation without others seeking your attention!
Tip #5 – Go for walks, move your body, connect with nature
Get up earlier and go for a walk before you kick start your day. The sunrise is early enough to get outdoors, fill your lungs with fresh air, move your body and delight in nature. This simple act will pump you up with powerful energy, highl vibes and a happy heart!
Tune into your soul and seek to do those things that make you feel exhilarated this summer!
Need more help in implementing self care, soul care or even personal care?
Schedule a FREE Intuitive RISE Reading, where I can intuitively tap into your energy and see where we can begin to get you nourishing yourSELF unapologetically!