by admin | Jul 10, 2018 | Balance, Busy Moms, Female Entrepreneurs, Mindset, Mompreneurs, Self Care, Self Improvement, Soul Care, Tips and hacks for everyday, Women Business Owners
Yes, the summer is here! Woo Hoo! I love this short BUT glorious season! But why are we still stressed and overwhelmed? Our normal work/life schedules have changed up … The kiddos are home for 2 months … We need to tweak our day to accommodate them …...
by admin | May 30, 2018 | Business, Female Entrepreneurs, Healthy Lifestyle, Self Care, Women Business Owners
Take Action, Move Forward, Invoke Self Care … Even on the go! 3 simple ways to sneak in self care rituals on any day of the week! I do not want to hear that I don’t have time for self care … I do not want to hear that I go for manicures, that’s NOT self care...
by admin | Apr 12, 2018 | Female Entrepreneurs, organize, Self Care, Self Improvement, tools & systems, Women Business Owners
Here we are transitioning from the coziness of Winter to the liveliness of Spring. Time to get out of our hibernation caves and run through the fields of blossoming fields! And with these changes we always feel the need to shed, release and detox something in our...
by admin | May 2, 2017 | Busy Moms, Female Entrepreneurs, Healthy Lifestyle, Hustle, Mindset, Mompreneurs, Self Care, Self Improvement, stress, Time Management, Women Business Owners
You are worth more that just a massage? It is not SELFish to do what is best for YOU ~ Mark Sutton Click To Tweet Being a Self Care Strategist is my absolute passion. To help women get back to basics, love themselves from within and showing them that simple...
by admin | Dec 21, 2016 | Balance, Busy Moms, Female Entrepreneurs, Mindset, Mompreneurs, Self Care, stress, Time Management
Are the holidays overwhelming you ? The countdown has begun and your list is endless. As you review it, the stress creeps in. “Oh my, I forgot a gift for the grab bag” “I still need to buy potatoes for the great dish I saw on Pinterest” “Ugh, we’re...