Rise and shine darling! We are off to another amazing ridiculous crazy unplanned day full of hurry up, do this, finish that, go to work, pick up the kids, make the dinner, etc.! Ugh, I’m exhausted already! WHOA!!!!
“Either you run the day, or the day runs you”
~ Jim Rohn
This does not need to be your life any longer. You can start to put some ease back into your hectic world. Calm the overwhelm and reclaim your life. One day a time, one task at a time.
Welcome to TIME MANAGEMENT ladies. Yes, you too can manage your time! All with one simple tool. Can you guess what that is? Anyone? Yup, a good ‘ole fashion calendar/planner, a pen, that quiet space (even if it is your bathroom – lol) to reflect and you will begin to slowly conquer your time.
Step #1: Document your day
Find that quiet space and sit down with your thoughts. Grab some paper and begin to write down every particular task you perform every single day. From the minute you wake up to the second you go to bed.
Step #2: Assign your 24 HOURS
For Example: Take another piece of paper and number out 24 hours and assign your current time accordingly.
Follow through and incorporate your sleep time, you supermarket time, your T.V. time, your everything time.
Step #3: Review and reflect
Now take a good look at your day. Where do you see your “Me Time”, your “Workout time”, your “Reading Time” and anything that relates to you time. I’m pretty sure you don’t have any of that time scheduled in your day, am I right?
Step #4: Identify your time wasters
In this step you will see where if at all, you waste time that you could use for your self care practice. Do you watch too much television? Do you do too much by yourself and need help? Are you volunteering too much of your time? If so, really consider asking for help from family & friends. Get your kids involved with household chores. Speak with your spouse to assist with the kid’s activities. This is very important , because we can not do everything alone. It is absolutely impossible.
Step #5: Redefine your time
At this point you have freed up some time that you can assign to yourself. Now you can start scheduling activities for you, to take care of YOU. Take that knitting class, go for that early morning jog before work, read that book, etc. NOTE: Do not feel guilty for doing this. This is where we begin to release the guilt and nourish ourselves. By you taking time for YOU, you are able to replenish, refuel, show up more fully and be a better version of yourself to your family & friends. We are ALL entitled to enjoy quality time for OURSELVES for the sake of our sanity. Allow yourself to enjoy this “ME TIME”.
“Time Management is Life Management”
~ Robin Sharma
Step #6 Schedule Family Time & Date Night
Definitely block sometime during the week for “Family Funday”. Create time for a specific day where you and the family go and enjoy an activity. Whether it be a matinee, a day at the park, or even at home for a great game night. This will give your family a day to look forward to and they will not feel like they are missing out on being with YOU. At least once a month schedule a “Date Night” with your significant other. Schedule a babysitter and go out on the town with your love. It could be as simple as breakfast, a walk in the park with a great cup of coffee, an evening with other friends. However you feel fit to enjoy the day with your sweetheart, just do it! This step will be a lifer changer for sure.
Step #7 Create accountability
Finally recreate your schedule into your planner and stick to it! Make a weekly one and put it on the fridge, so everyone is on board with your new daily routine. Ask a friend or family member to hold you accountable and call you out when you cave in and forget yourself. You will realize how important it is to have these few stolen moments for yourself. You will absolutely feel renewed, refreshed and totally on your way to living “guiltless freedom”. I guarantee it. Learn from my mistakes and create that space to focus on you, because YOU deserve it my friend!
“The bad news time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot” ~ Michael Altahuler
If this blog, has resonated with you or you think it will benefit others, please feel free to share. I am here to serve everyone!