Oh My God, it’s finally here – Day #365
How are you spending this day? Are you planning your 2016? Are you setting goals, intentions and resolutions for the New Year? Or are you freaking out because you came up short on this year’s goals? Feeling like you missed the mark and didn’t accomplish all you set out to do.
Well guess what? You’re not alone. There are plenty of us who felt like 2015 drove by like a freight train without making any stops. Right?
“Celebrate endings – for they precede new beginnings” ~ Jonathan Lockwood Huie Click To Tweet
So here’s my take on New Year Resolutions: Why don’t we just focus on being better everyday? Why don’t we just take small actionable steps EVERY SINGLE DAY to improve our lives without the overwhelming year end deadline. Can I get an AMEN!
If we just promise ourselves to show up everyday willing to DO THE WORK and never give up, no matter how tough it gets, I guarantee you, YOU WILL SUCCEED.
This year for me personally was one of learning many LIFE lessons:
- Through my back injury, I found my purpose for clarity in my life – MY WHY
- I found my strength to quit my corporate america job that was sucking the life out of me everyday, leaving me stressed & unhappy.
- I decided to become a mompreneur and start my own business.
- I released the fear and embraced the faith in all my new biz endeavors
- I fell in-love with being home for my family and truly enjoying them
- I became comfortable to saying NO to what no longer serves me in all areas of my life
- I committed to practicing acts of self care; mind, body & spirit
So as you close this year, celebrate your wins and resolve to making your losses life lessons to better yourself in 2016. To know that everyday is a new beginning for YOU to start over. That YOU are going to succeed no matter what. Because YOU were born for greatness!
I want to truly thank each and every one of you for making my year awesome!
From my family to yours:
H A P P Y N E W Y E A R!
I wish you all love, peace and prosperity all areas of YOUR life today and always! Cheers!
Looking forward to continuing on inspiring & motivating you all in 2016!
“You will never win, if you never begin” ~ RH Schuller Click To Tweet
If this blog, has resonated with you or you think it will benefit others, please feel free to share.
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Eva, xo